Hasani’s Regret & Anele’s Future with Mr. Ebrahim

Hasani watched Anele and her friend, Dimah talking. He was tempted to go over and say hello but he wasn't sure that he should now after meeting Mr. Ebrahim at the graduation ceremony. It had been a blow when his mother had later told him that Mr. Ebrahim and Anele were courting each other and …

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At the Beach With Duarte

So, I'm on Sangano beach with Duarte. He picked me up outside of my apartment building at ten. My heart leapt in my chest when I saw him standing there beside his car, smiling at me. It felt surreal. As I walked toward him, my eyes ran eagerly down his tall frame. He was wearing …

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Holiday Season in Bratislava

It was the day after Christmas and the last day for celebrating Hanukkah. Dushan and Chioma were in their hotel suite in Bratislava getting ready to go to his cousin Havel's apartment for dinner with him and his girlfriend, Brigita. Chioma was still getting dressed and Dushan was waiting for her. As soon as Chioma …

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The Wedding, Part Two

Nal became morose as he thought about Jameila. She was the only one who wasn't going to be at his wedding. She was going to Miami to visit her sister and her family. When she showed up at the restaurant with Kwaku instead of alone, he was taken aback. He tried to hide his displeasure …

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With Friends Like These…

It was in between classes and I was hanging around in front of the lockers. To pass the time before my next class, I decided to look at the photos I had taken of Dae. I didn't hear Veronica and Radika as they walked up behind me and peered over my shoulder so I was …

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The Grays’ Gala

It was the night of his parents' annual charitable gala. He was there with Briony. His father remembered her and greeted her warmly. When he introduced her to his mother, the older woman was very reserved in her manner. He could tell that she didn't approve of Briony which hardly surprised him. She had never …

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Our Afternoon in Concord

When I dropped Mandy home, she wanted me to spend the rest of the day with her but I told her that I had things to do and asked for a raincheck. She was disappointed but after hugging and kissing me, she saw me to the door. On my way down in the elevator, I …

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Father Desjardin’s Invitation

It was another beautiful day and was out for a walk. She wished she could stay out there in the sunshine all day long. However, she had to return home and was pleasantly surprised to find Father Desjardins there. He was visiting her grandmother. They were in the living-room having tea. He rose to his …

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Dinner With Reyesh

So, I'm having dinner with Rey tonight and am extremely excited about it. The day after his brother's wedding, he called and asked me on our second date. Initially, I didn't consider him inviting me to his brother's wedding as a date but after we kissed in the car and then outside of my flat, …

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Boris’ Lunch Invitation

Boris returned the ring. Fortunately for him, he had bought it from a reputable jeweler who offered him a decent return policy. He got a full refund because it was a non-custom ring. He wished he hadn't bought the damned thing. And he wished he'd never met Cate Hardwicke. He tried not to think about …

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