Dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Kyriaku

She was going to meet Thaddaus' parents this evening. The prospect made her very nervous particularly because of Mrs. Kyriaku, although Thaddaus assured her that she had nothing to be nervous about. "As I said, if my mother makes you feel uncomfortable, we will leave immediately," he declared. "I will not subject you to her …

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Mr. Livingston’s Plans for Frederick

Richard Jenkins Image "What's troubling you?" Mr. Livingston asked his wife. "You've been in a strange mood ever since you and Frederick returned from the farm this morning. What happened? Did you match-making scheme fail?" Mrs. Livingston colored. "It wasn't a scheme," she replied defensively.  "What would you call it, then? Another failed attempt to marry Freddy off?" "I thought …

Continue reading Mr. Livingston’s Plans for Frederick

Graduation Ceremony, Hasani & Mr. Ebrahim

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels.com I was in the study, writing in my journal. I was writing down everything that happened at my graduation ceremony on Thursday. I was so excited on Wednesday night that it took a while for me to fall asleep. The next morning, I went down for breakfast which was …

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To Call or Not to Call

Gideon was sitting outside of a café. He had just finished having his breakfast and was reading the newspaper as he sipped his tea. He was thinking about what Cate said when they were on the beach. It was true. He missed Chelsey terribly. He thought about her every day, wondering how she was. Now …

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Richard and Wilma

He stood there, arms folded, watching her with a sour expression on his face. "You don't look very pleased to see me." "Why are you here?" he demanded. "I came to congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials." "I'm not the one getting married." "Oh, yes. It's your big brother, Roland who used to date my …

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Names, Wedding & Honeymoon Plans

"I know I've said this before, but I wish I had never married Angela," Paul told Nita one Sunday afternoon when they were at her place. "I wish you'd never married her too." "I don't want her to keep my name anymore but I'm not sure I can force her to go back to using …

Continue reading Names, Wedding & Honeymoon Plans

Jason’s Announcement

Jason was in his living-room, sitting on the floor, looking over a music sheet while having a cup of hot Kenyan yellow tea. It was 7:15 so it was too late to call his father. It was after mid-night there. He would have to call in the morning. He had exciting news to tell him …

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Making Decisions & Future Plans

The test had come back negative. She wasn't pregnant. She had hoped she was because of her late period and the metallic taste in her mouth which turned out to as a result of the over-the-counter multi-vitamins she was taking. Bitter disappointment had filled her when she saw the one horizontal line on the display …

Continue reading Making Decisions & Future Plans

The Second Time

Tadeas was on the tennis court. He was waiting for his friend, William. Since they were teenagers, they enjoyed playing tennis with each other. They met once a month to play there at Hackney Downs. Afterwards, they usually went to Brunswick East Bakehouse. At exactly 9am, William was approaching him, a big grin on his …

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Karine Asks About Michelle

It was Monday morning and he was waiting in the lounge for the company car. He he had decided last night that he was ready to buy a car so he was on his cell, looking at the different cars at the same dealership where Mr. Chang had bought his. He was confident that he …

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