Berta’s Lot


Berta sat down, dog tired.  Tears ran down her cheeks.  She brushed them away.

What had she done to be saddled with a life of hardship and misery and an ungrateful child?  Hurt and anger welled up inside her as she thought about her only daughter, Clarissa.  She, Berta had worked so hard to make sure that Clarissa went to a good Negro school where she’d meet a fine Negro man and what does she do?  She runs off with an Injun.  All that money wasted and all that hard work for nothing.

Slowly, she rose to finish the ironing.

100 Words

This was inspired by the movie, Unbowed.

This was written for the Friday Fictioneers challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields For more details, visit Here.  To read other stories based on this week’s prompt, visit Here.

22 thoughts on “Berta’s Lot

    1. The mother worked hard for her daughter to end up with a good prospect but is bitterly disappointed that she ran off with an Indian. It’s a sad that this mother’s Her hopes and expectations for her daughter were not realized but it would be even sadder for the daughter to marry a man she didn’t love just to please her mother.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I wouldn’t say that all mothers are like Berta but we all want what is best for our children. It comes a time when we have to let go and hope that our children choose their path wisely. My mother always used to say “it’s your life” or “you make the child but you can’t make the mind.” As parents we teach and raise our children the best we know how and hope that they will turn out well. And you’re right. Berta’s daughter has a mind of her own and she chose her own happiness rather than have her mother choose it for her.


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