Taste and See…

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalm 34:8, NKJV)

Photo by mentatdgt on Pexels.com

What does it mean to taste and see that the Lord is good? Taste here means to try the flavor. How else would you know if something is good if you don’t taste it? For instance, I never would have known that peppermint tea was good unless I had some. The only way we know that the Lord is good is from experience. We have experienced His goodness in our lives before. It has a familiar taste. We savor His goodness in our lives. And sometimes, His good can taste sweet taste or it can be bitter. We love it when He blesses us but we don’t like it when He chastens us but both are flavored with His love.

To see that the Lord is good is to pay attention, to recognize how He has been good in your life. When it comes to debt, God tells you how to deal with it in His Word. You check to see how much money you have before you spend it on something you can’t afford (Luke 14:28), you don’t borrow but live by faith, trusting God to provide for you and to always live within your means. You learn to be content with what you have (Hebrews 13:5). If you can’t afford it, it’s not for you. Save your money for a rainy day. Make sure you don’t have any outstanding debts (Romans 13:8). Pay only what you owe (Romans 13:7).

Each morning you wake up, you see that the Lord is good. For in Him you live and move and exist (Acts 17:28, NLT). He kept you alive for another day.

Blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord. You have seen the good He has done in your life and you can trust that when you are up to your neck in debt, He will help you out. He can do the impossible. You know that because you have seen it. How happy is the person who has faith in and waits upon the Lord. And how blessed is the person who hopes in the Lord.

No matter what you are struggling with today, remember that the Lord is good and continue to trust in Him.

Sources: Blue Letter Bible; Bible Gateway; Daily Verses;

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